Calculator Home Screen 217
Reusing a Previous Entry or the Last Answer
Reusing a Previous Entry or the Last AnswerReusing a Previous Entry or the Last Answer
Reusing a Previous Entry or the Last Answer
You can reuse a previous entry by reexecuting the entry “as is” or by editing the entry
and then reexecuting it. You can also reuse the last calculated answer by inserting it into
a new expression.
Reusing the Expression on the Entry Line
Reusing the Expression on the Entry LineReusing the Expression on the Entry Line
Reusing the Expression on the Entry Line
When you press ¸ to evaluate an expression, the TI-89 Titanium leaves that
expression on the entry line and highlights it. You can type over the entry, or you can
reuse it as necessary.
For example, using a variable, find the square of 1, 2, 3, etc. As shown below, set the
initial variable value and then enter the variable expression. Next, reenter to increment
the variable and calculate the square.
TI-89 Titanium Display
0 §
NUM j « 1 §
2 ™ NUM
2 Ë NUM Z 2