Greensmaster 3320/3420Page 6 -- 2Electrical System
General Information
Operator ’s Manual
The Operator’s Manual provides information regarding
the operation, general maintenance and maintenance
intervals for your Greensmaster machine. Refer to that
publication for additional service information.
Toro Electronic Controller (TEC)
Greensmaster TriFlex Hybrid 3320 and 3420 machines
usea Toro ElectronicController(TEC)to manage12volt
machine electrical functions. The controller is micropro-
cessor controlled that senses the condition of various
switches (inputs) and directs electrical power to control
appropriate machine functions (outputs) based on the
inputs. The status of inputs to the controller as well as
outputs from the controller can be monitored with the
Diagnostic Display (see Special Tools in this chapter).
IMPORTANT: Before performing anywelding on the
machine, disconnect the battery cables from the
battery, disconnect the wire harness connector
from the Toro Electronic Controller(s) and discon-
nect the terminal connector from the alternator.
These steps will prevent damage to the machine
electrical system.
CAN--bus Communications
System communication between electrical components
on Greensmaster Hybrid TriFlex machines is accom-
plished on two (2) CAN--bus communication systems.
The CAN--bus system reduces the number of electrical
components and connections used on the machine and
allows the number of wires in the wire harness to be re-
One of these CAN--bus systems allows TEC controller
communication between machine 12 volt components
(e.g. engine components, InfoCenter display). The sec-
ond CAN--bus system provides necessary control for
the electric cutting reels system (generator, cutting reel
motors). An isolation module is included in the machine
electrical system to allow communication between the
two systems while maintaining ground isolation for the
48 volt system.
CAN identifiesthe ControllerArea Networksthat isused
on the Greensmaster. Two (2) specially designed,
twisted wires form the bus for both of the networks used
on the Hybrid machines. These wires provide the data
pathways between machine components. The engi-
neering term for these two (2) wires are CAN--high and
CAN--low.At the ends ofthe twisted pair ofbus wires are
120 o hm termination resistors.
Each of the components that is controlled by the CAN--
buslinkonlyneedsfour(4)wires tooperateandcommu-
nicate to the syst em: CAN--high, CAN--low, B+ (power)
and ground.
IMPORTANT: The termination resistors at the ends
of the bus wires are required for proper electrical
system operation.