Rev. A
Greensmaster 3320/3420 Page 6 - 9 Electrical S ystem
Battery Terminal Protector
Aerosol spray that should be used on battery terminals,
ring terminals and fork terminals to reduce corrosion
problems. Apply terminal protector to the connection af-
ter the battery cable, ring terminal or fork terminal has
been secured.
Toro Part Number: 107-0392
Figure 8
Dielectric Lubricant/Sealant
Dielectricgel should be usedto prevent corrosion ofun-
sealed connection terminals. To ensure complete coat-
ing of terminals, liberally apply gel to both component
and wire harness connector, plug connector to compo-
nent,unplugconnector,reapplygel tobothsurfacesand
reconnect harness connector to component. Connec-
tors should be thoroughly packed with gel for effective
Do notuse dielectric gel on sealed connectionterminals
as the gel can unseat connector seals during assembly.
Toro Part Number: 107-0342
Figure 9
Battery Hydrometer
Use the Battery Hydrometer when measuring specific
gravity of battery electrolyte. Obtain this tool locally.
Figure 10