
Greensmaster 3320/3420
DPA Cutting Units
Page 8 -- 6
Factors That Can Affect Cutting Performance
There are a number of factors that can contribute to un-
satisfactory quality of cut, some of which may be turf
conditions. Turf conditions such as excessive thatch,
“sponginess” or attempting to cut off too much grass
height may not always be overcome by adjusting the
cutting unit. It is important to remember that the lower
the height--of--cut, the more critical these factors are.
Refer to the Cutting Unit’s Operator ’s Manual for de-
tailed cutting unit adjustment procedures. For cutting
unit repair information, refer to the Service and Repairs
section of this chapter.
NOTE: For additional information regarding cuttingunit
troubleshooting, see Aftercut Appearance Trouble-
shooting Aid (Toro part no. 00076SL).
Possible Problem/Correction
Tire pressure Check tire pressure of all traction unit tires. Adjust tire
pressure as necessary.
See the Traction Unit Operator’s manual.
Governed engine speed For best cutting performance and appearance, engine
should be run at maximum governed speed during
machine operation. Check maximum governed engine
speed. Adjust engine to specifications if necessary.
See Chapter 3 -- Gasoline Engine or Chapter 4 --
Diesel Engine.
Reel speed All cutting reels must rotate at the same speed (within
100 rpm)
All cutting units must have equal bedknife to reel and
height--of--cut adjustments.
Make sure that reel speed selection is correct (see
Reel Speed Chart in Traction Unit Operator’s Manual).
Reel bearing condition Check reel bearings for wear and replace if necessary.
section of this chapter.
Bedknife to reel adjustment Check bedknife to reel contact daily. The bedknife
must have light contact across the entire reel. No
contact will dull the cutting edges. Excessive contact
accelerates wear of both edges. Quality of cut is
adversely affected by both conditions (see Bedknife to
Reel Adjustment in the Cutting Unit Operator’s