Greensmaster 3320/3420Page 6 -- 38Electrical System
Parking Brake Switch
The parking brake switch is a normally open proximity
switch that mounts to the frame bracket used to attach
the parking brake lever assembly (Fig. 30). The sensing
plate for the brake switch is a tab on the parking brake
lever assembly. The Toro Electronic Controller (TEC)
monitors the operation of the parking brake switch.
When the parking brake is not applied, the tab on the
parking brake lever is positioned near the target end of
the parking brake switch causing the switch to close.
The tab on the parking brake lever is moved away from
theswitch when the parkingbrake isappliedcausing the
switch to open.
1. When the parking brake is not applied, the gap be-
tween the parking brake switch and the tab on the park-
ing brake lever should be 0.125” (3.2 mm) (Fig. 30).
2. Ifgap isincorrect, loosenjam nutsthat secure switch
to frame bracket. Position switch with jam nuts to allow
correctgap betweenswitch andbrake lever tab. Tighten
jam nuts to secure adjustment. Jam nuts should be
torqued from 162to 198 in--lb (18.4 to 22.4 N --m).After
jam nuts are tightened, make sure that clearance be-
tween headof parking brake switch and tabon thepark-
ing brake lever has not changed.
3. After adjustment to the parking brake switch, use the
Hand Held Diagnostic Display to verify that parking
brake switch and circuit wiring are functioning correctly
(see Hand Held Diagnostic Display in the Troubleshoot-
ing section of this chapter).
1. Brake lever
2. Parking brake switch
3. Brake lever tab
4. Gap
Figure 30
1. Parking brake switch
2. Parking brake lever
3. Jam nut (2 used)
4. Lock washer (2 used)
Figure 31
162 to 198 in--lb
(18.4 to 22.4 N--m)