Greensmaster 3320/3420 Page 7 -- 7 Chassis
Removal (Fig. 6)
1. Parkmachine on alevel surface,engage theparking
brake, lower the cutting units and stop the engine. Re-
move key from the ignition switch.
2. Chock wheels to prevent machine from shifting.
3. Loosen, but do not remove, lug nuts.
Whenchangingattachments,tiresor performing
other service, use correct supports, hoists and
jacks. Make sure machine is parked on a solid,
level surface such as a concrete floor. Prior to
raising machine, remove any attachments that
may interfere with the safe and proper raising of
the machine.Always chockor block wheels. Use
jackstands orotherappropriateloadholding de-
vices to support the raised machine. If the ma-
chine is not properly supported, the machine
may move or fall, which may result in personal
4. Using a jack, raise machine so wheel is off ground
(see Jacking Instructions in Chapter 1 -- Safety). Sup-
port machine with appropriate jack stands.
5. Remove lug nuts and then remove wheel from ma-
Installation (Fig. 6)
1. Install wheel and secure with four (4) lug nuts.
2. Lower machine to ground.
Failure to maintain proper wheel lug nut torque
could resultin failure orloss ofwheel and mayre-
sult in personal injury.
3. Torque lug nuts evenly in a crossing pattern from 65
to 85 ft--lb (89 to 115 N--m).