Greensmaster 3320/3420Page 6 -- 48Electrical System
Fusible Links
The electrical system on Greensmaster TriFlex Hybrid
machines include a harness with three (3) fusible links
for machine circuit protection. This fusible link harness
connects the machine wire harness to the positive (+)
battery terminal.
Greensmaster 3320 machines (gasoline engine) use
only two (2) of the harness fusible links. The fusible link
harness onGreensmaster 3320 machines is connected
to the starter solenoid (Fig. 50).
Greensmaster 3420 machines (diesel engine) use all
three(3) oftheharness fusiblelinks. Thefusiblelink har-
ness on Greensmaster 3420 machines is connected to
the starter B+ terminal (Fig. 51). Greensmaster 3420
machines use an additional fusible link that is included
in the wire harness and connects the starter G terminal
to the engine run solenoid pull coil.
If any of these links should fail, current to the protected
circuit will cease. Refer to the electrical schematic and
wire harness drawings in Chapter 10 -- Foldout Draw-
ings for additional circuit information.
Make sure that ignition switch is OFF. Disconnect nega-
tive (--) battery cable from battery terminal and then dis-
connect positive (+) cable from battery (see Battery
ter). Locate fusible link harness and unplug fusible link
connector from wire harness. Use a multimeter to make
sure that continuity existsbetween the fusiblelink termi-
nals. If a fusible link is open, replace the fusible link har-
After testing is complete, make sure that fusible link is
securely attached to engine component and wire har-
ness. Connect positive battery cable to battery terminal
first and then connect negative cable to battery.
1. 48V battery pack
2. Fusible link harness
3. Harness connector
4. Solenoid location
Figure 50
1. Starter solenoid
2. Alternator
3. Fusible link harness
Figure 51
Figure 52