Greensmaster 3320/3420 Page 7 -- 11 Chassis
Brake Cable Removal (Fig. 10)
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting deck
(or implement), stop engine and remove key from the
ignition switch. Make sure that parking brake is not ap-
2. Chockfrontwheels topreventmachine frommoving.
3. Remove cover(s) (items 3 and 24) from machine to
allow access to brake cable that is to be removed.
4. Disconnect brake cable from brake actuator lever:
A. Remove e--ring (item 23) and clevis pin (item 7)
that secure brake cable clevis to brake actuator lev-
B. At brake cable bracket, loosen upper cable jam
nut to allow slack in cable. Then remove lower jam
nut from threads on brake cable.
C. Separate brake cable from brake cable bracket
and brake actuator lever.
5. Disconnect brake cable from equalizer bracket at
brake lever:
A. Removee--ring thatsecures brakecable to frame
B. Remove cable end from equalizer bracket.
C. Separate brake cable from frame bracket.
6. Note location of cable ties and routing of brake cable
for assembly purposes. Remove brake cable from ma-
Brake Cable Installation (Fig. 10)
1. Using notes taken during brake cable removal, route
brakecableonto machine.Make surethat parkingbrake
is not applied.
2. Connectbrakecable toequalizer bracket atbrakele -
A. Route brake cable end through hole in frame
B. Connect cable end to equalizer bracket.
C. Secure brake cable to frame bracket with e--ring.
3. Connect brake cable to brake actuator lever:
A. Position brake cable clevis to brake actuator le-
ver. Secure cable to actuator lever with clevis pin
(item 7) and e--ring (item 23).
B. Route end of brake cable through brake cable
C. Install lower jam nut onto brake cable threads.
4. Secure brake cables to machine with cable ties in
locations noted during cable removal.
5. Adjust brake cables (see Parking Brake Adjustment
in the Adjustments section of this chapter).
6. If removed, install cover(s) (items 3 and 24) to ma-
7. After brake cables have been installed and adjusted,
make sure to check operation of parking brake and
brake interlock system.