Greensmaster 3320/3420Page 6 - 68Electrical System
Fuel Pump (Greensmaster 3420)
The fuel pump on Greensmaster 3420 machines is se-
cured tothe radiatorassemblywithan r- clamp(Fig. 89).
The Toro Electronic Controller (TEC) energizes the fuel
pump when the ignition switch is in either the RUN or
START position.
IMPORTANT: When testing fuel pump, make sure
that pump is not operated without fuel.
Because diesel fuel is flammable, use caution
when handling it. Do not smoke while testing the
fuel pump. Do not test fuel pump while engine is
hot. Make sure that there is adequate ventilation
when testing.Alwayswipe upany spilledfuel be-
fore starting the engine.
Fuel Pump Capacity Test
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine and engage parking brake.
2. Disconnect machine fuel supply hose from the fuel
pump outlet (Fig. 89).
3. Make sure fu el hose attached to the fuel pump inlet
is freeof obstructions. Also,make sure thatfuel shut- off
valve on fuel tank is open.
4. For fuel pump testing, place section of fuel hose on
fuel pump outlet and secure in place with hose clamp.
Place other end of fuel hose into a large, graduated cyl-
inder sufficient enough to collect 1 quart (0.95 liter).
IMPORTANT: When testing the fuel pump, DO NOT
turn ignition switch to START.
5. Collect fuel in the graduated cylinder by turning igni-
tionswitch tothe RUN position. Allow pumpto run for fif-
teen (15) seconds, then turn ignition switch to OFF.
6. Fuel collected in the g raduated cylinder should be
approximately 16 fl oz (475 ml) after fifteen (15) sec-
7. Replace fuel pump if necessary.
8. Remove fuel hose from pump outlet and install ma-
chine fuel supply hose to the pump outlet. Make sure to
9. Bleed the fuel system.
1. Fuel pump
2. Fuel pump inlet
3. Fuel pump outlet
4. Fuel supply hose
Figure 89
Fuel Pump Specifications
Pump Capacity
64 fl oz/min (1.9 l/min)
Pressure 7PSI(48.3kPa)
Current Draw 2.0 amp