Greensmaster 3320/3420
DPA Cutting Units
Page 8 -- 13
8. To make an adjustment to the cutting units while
backlapping, disengage the PTO with the joystick and
turn the engine OFF. Wait for all machine movement to
stop. After cutting unit adjustments have been com-
pleted, repeat steps 5 through 8.
9. When the backlapping operation is completed, stop
the engine and remove the key from the ignition switch.
Run a file across the front face of the bedknife. This will
remove any burrs or rough edges that mayhave built up
on the cutting edge.
10.Repeat procedure for all cutting units to be backlap-
11.When backlapoperation hasbeencompleted,return
the backlap switch to the forward (mow) position, set
reel speedcontrol todesired s peedand wash alllapping
compound off cutting units. Lower operator seat.
12.Adjust cutting unit reel to bedknife as needed.
NOTE: If the backlap enable switch is not returned to
theforward(mow) positionafter backlapping,thecutting
units will not function properly.
Figure 14
Relief Angle
Front Angle
Top Face
DPA Cutting