Greensmaster 3320/3420 Page 7 -- 23 Chassis
2. Disconnect thecutting unitsfromtheelectrical power
supply by separating the cutting unit power disconnect
couplers (see Opening Electrical Circuit to Cutting Units
in the General Information section of this chapter). This
will prevent unexpected cutting unit operation.
3. Remove grass basket and cutting unit from suspen-
sion assembly (see Traction Unit Operator’s Manual).
4. If front suspension assembly is to be removed, re-
move front wheel (see Wheel Removal in this section).
This will allow easier access to flange head screws that
secure suspension assembly to f rame.
5. Loosen bulkhead nut that secures reel motor electri-
cal cable to bracket on suspension assembly. Separate
cable from bracket.
6. Positionandsupportreel motorwith attached electri-
cal cable away from suspension assembly.
Support suspension assembly when removing it
toprevent it fromfalling andcausingpersonal in-
jury. Suspensionassembly weighsapproximate-
ly 65 pounds (30 kg).
7. Support suspension assembly to prevent it from
shifting or falling.
8. Remove three (3) flange head screws (item 2) that
secure suspension assembly to machine frame. Re-
move suspension assembly from machine.
Installation (Fig. 19)
1. Make sure that all suspension components are cor-
rectly assembled.
2. Position suspension assembly to frame. Align
mounting holes and secure suspension with three (3)
flange head screws (item 2). Torques screws from 55 to
60 ft--lb (75 to 81 N--m).
3. Install front wheel if it was removed from machine
(see Wheel Installation in this section).
4. Position reel motor w ith attached electrical cable to
suspension assembly. Insert reel motor shaft into stor-
age location on front of suspension assembly.
5. Install cutting unit to suspension assembly and se-
cure reel motor to cutting unit.(see Traction Unit Opera-
tor’s Manual).
6. Position electrical cable fitting into bracket on sus-
pension assembly. Secure cable with bulkhead nut.
7. Install grass basket to suspension assembly.
8. Connect the cutting unit power disconnect couplers.