Groundsmaster 4500--D/4700--DHydraulic System Page 4 -- 84
Filtration/Charge Control Manifold Service
1. Manifold body
2. Zero leak plug (#8)
3. Zero leak plug (#6)
4. Check valve (reservoir return)
5. Check valve (filter bypass)
6. Check valve (charge pressure)
Figure 68
25 ft--lb
(33.9 N--m)
50 ft--lb
(68 N--m)
25 ft--lb
(33.9 N--m)
25 ft--lb
(33.9 N--m)
30 ft--lb
(40.6 N--m)
30 ft--lb
(40.6 N--m)
NOTE: The ports on the manifold are marked for easy
identification of components (e.g. P2 is the gear pump
connection port and P1 is the connection from the oil
cooler). See Hydraulic Schematics in Chapter 9 -- Fold-
out Drawings to identify the function of the hydraulic
lines and cartridge valves at each port.
NOTE: The control manifold uses several zero leak
plugs. These plugs have a tapered sealing surface on
theplug headthat isdesigned toresistvibration induced
plugloosening. Thezero leak plugsalsohave anO--ring
as a secondary seal. If zero leak plug removal is neces-
sary, lightly rap the plug head using a pin punch and
hammer before using an allen wrench to remove the
plug:the impactwill allowplug removalwith lesschance
of damage to the head of the plug.
For cartridge valve service procedures, see 4WD/2WD
Control Manifold Service in this section. Refer to Figure
68 for cartridge valve and plug installation torque.