Groundsmaster 4500--D/4700--D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 21
Raise Cutting Decks: Groundsmaster 4500--D
A four section gear pump is coupled to the piston (trac-
tion) pump. Gear pump section P3 supplies hydraulic
flowto boththe liftcontrol manifoldand thesteeringcon-
trol valve.Hydraulic flow fromthis pumpsection is deliv-
ered to the circuits through a proportional flow divider
located in the fan control manifold. Maximum lift/lower
circuitpressureislimitedto1600PSI(110bar)bya relief
valve (R1)in thelift controlmanifold. Liftcircuit pressure
canbe monitoredattest fittingG1on theliftcontrol man-
On the Groundsmaster 4500--D, a single lift switch on
the console arm is used to raise and lower the five (5)
cutting decks (Fig. 14).
When the cutting decks are in a stationary position (not
raising or lowering), lift circuit flow from gear pump sec-
tion P3 bypasses the liftcylinders through the lift control
manifold solenoid valve S5 and proportional relief valve
PRV which are de--energized. Return flow from the
manifold is routed to the oil filter and traction charge cir-
NOTE: The operator must be in the operator seat in or-
der to raise the cutting decks.
Cutting Deck Raise
To raise the five (5) cutting decks on a Groundsmaster
4500--D, the rear of the lift switch is depressed. The
then provides an electrical output to solenoid valve S5
in the lift control manifold. Energized solenoid valve S5
shiftsto allowa passagefor oilflowto therodends ofthe
center five (5) deck lift cylinders.The oil flow causes the
liftcylinderstoretractand raisethefive(5)cuttingdecks.
Two (2) orifices in the junction manifold control the rais-
ing speed of the #2 and #3 decks.
When the deck switch is released, solenoid valve S5 is
de--energized andtheliftcylindersandcuttingdecksare
held in position.
1. Lift switch (#1 to #5)
Figure 14
Figure 15
#4 #1 #5