Groundsmaster 4500--D/4700--D Page 3 -- 11 Kubota Diesel Engine
Removal (Fig. 8)
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting
decks, stop engine, engage parking brake and remove
key from the ignition switch.
2. Removehood fromthemachine(see HoodRemoval
in the Service and Repairssection of Chapter 7 -- Chas-
Do not open radiator cap or drain coolant if the
radiator or engine is hot. Pressurized, hot cool-
ant can escape and cause burns.
Ethylene--glycol antifreeze is poisonous. Dis-
pose of coolant properly or store it in a properly
labeled container away from children and pets.
3. Remove radiator cap. Drain radiator into a suitable
container using the radiator draincock.
4. Disconnectupper and lowerhoses fromthe radiator.
5. Remove air cleaner hose (item 6).
6. Remove four(4) flange headscrews and flangenuts
that secure plenum (item 7) to radiator mount. Remove
7. Disconnectreservoirhose(item39)fromtheradiator
vent tube.
8. Detach upper radiator shroud from the radiator and
lower radiator shroud. Remove upper shroud from ma-
9. Remove fastenersthat secure lower radiator shroud
to radiator.
10.Remove six (6) cap screws and flange nuts that se-
cure fan motor bracket to radiator (Fig. 9).
11.Positionlower radiatorshroud andfan motorbracket
assembly away from radiator.
12.Remove four (4)flange head screwsand flange nuts
securingtheradiatorand recirculationbarriers(items 24
and 25)to the radiator mount.Carefully removebarriers
and radiator from the machine.
13.Plug all radiator and hose openings to prevent con-
Installation (Fig. 8)
1. Remove plugs placedin radiator and hose openings
during the removal procedure. Make sure that radiator
draincock is closed.
2. Carefully position radiator and recirculation barriers
(items 24 and 25) tothe radiator mount. Secure radiator
and barriers in place with four (4) flange head screws
and flange nuts.
3. Positionlower radiatorshroud andfan motorbracket
assembly to the radiator. Make sure that hydraulic
hoses are correctly positioned in grommets in lower ra-
diator shroud.
4. Secure fan motor bracket to radiator with six (6) cap
screws and flange nuts (Fig. 9).
5. Secure lower radiator shroud to radiator with re-
moved fasteners.
6. Position upper radiator shroud to lower radiator
shroud and radiator. Secure shrouds with removed fas-
teners. Make sure that clearance between shrouds and
fan is at least 0.180” (4.6 mm) at all points.
7. Connect reservoir hose (item39) to the radiator vent
8. Connect upper and lower hoses to the radiator.
9. Install plenum (item 7) to radiator mount and secure
with flange head screws and flange nuts.
10.Install air cleaner hose (item 6) to the air cleaner and
11.Fill radiator with coolant.
12.Install hood onthe machine (seeHood Installation in
the Service and Repairs section of Chapter 7 -- Chas-
Figure 9
1. Fan
2. Fan motor bracket
3. Fan motor
4. Cap screw (6 used)
5. Flange nut (6 used)
6. Radiator
Diesel Engine