Groundsmaster 4500--D/4700--D Page 3 -- 9 Kubota Diesel Engine
Becausedieselfuelishighlyflammable,use cau-
tion when storing or handling it. Do not smoke
while filling the fuel tank. Do not fill fuel tank
while engine is running, hot or when machine is
in an enclosed area. Always fill fuel tank outside
and wipe up any spilled diesel fuel before start-
ing the engine. Store fuel in a clean, safety--ap-
proved container and keep cap in place. Usedie-
sel fuel for the engine only; not for any other
Check Fuel Lines and Connections
Check fuel lines and connections as recommended in
the Traction Unit Operator’sManual. Check linesfor de-
terioration, damage, leaking or loose connections. Re-
place hoses, clamps and connections as necessary.
Drain and Clean Fuel Tank
Drain and clean the fuel tank periodically as recom-
mended in the Traction Unit Operator’s Manual. Also,
drain and clean the fuel tank if the fuel system becomes
contaminated or if the machine is to be stored for an ex-
tended period. To clean fuel tank, flush tank out with
cleandiesel fuel.Make suretank isfree ofcontaminates
and debris.
Fuel Tank Removal (Fig. 7)
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting
decks, stop engine, engage parking brake and remove
key from the ignition switch.
2. Disconnectfuelhoses fromthe suctionandreturn fit-
tings in top of tank.
3. Use draincock to empty fuel tank into a suitable con-
4. Remove fuel tank using Figure 7 as a guide.
Fuel Tank Installation (Fig. 7)
1. Install fuel tank to frame using Figure 7 as a guide.
2. Connect fuel hoses to the suction and return fittings
in top of tank.
3. Make sure that draincock is closed.
4. Fill fuel tank with clean fuel.
Diesel Engine