
Groundsmaster 4500--D/4700--DHydraulic System Page 4 -- 4
General Information
Operator’s Manual
The Operator’s Manual provides information regarding
the operation, general maintenance and maintenance
intervals for yourGroundsmaster machine.Refer tothat
publication for additionalinformation whenservicing the
Towing Traction Unit
IMPORTANT: If towing limits are exceeded, severe
damage to the piston pump may occur.
If it becomes necessary to tow (or push) the machine,
tow (or push) in a forward direction only, at a speed
below 3mph (4.8 kph) andfor a distanceless than 1/4
mile (0.4 km). The piston (traction) pump is equipped
with a bypass valve that needs to be turned 90
for tow-
ing. Do not turn bypass valve when engine is running.
See Traction Unit Operator’s Manual for additional tow-
ing procedures.
IMPORTANT: If t he machine must be pushed or
towed in a reverse direction, the check valve in the
4WD/2WD control manifold must be bypassed. To
bypass this check valve, connect a hydraulic hose
between the reverse traction pressure test port and
the 4WD/2WD control manifold test port (G). Toro
part numbers 95--8843 (hydraulic hose), 95--0985
(coupler fitting) (2 required) and 340--77 (hydraulic
fitting) (2 required) are needed for this connection.
1. Bypass valve location
Figure 1
Check Hydraulic Fluid
The Groundsmaster 4500--D and 4700--D hydraulic
systemsaredesignedto operateonanti--wearhydraulic
fluid. The reservoir holds approximately 8.25 gallons
(31.3 liters) of hydraulic fluid. Check level of hydraulic
fluid daily.
Figure 2
1. Reservoir cover 2. Reservoir cap