
Groundsmaster 4500--D/4700--D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 41
The most effective method for isolating problems in the
hydraulic system is by using hydraulic test equipment
such as pressure gauges and flow metersin the circuits
during various operational checks (See the Special
Tools section in this chapter).
Before Performing Hydraulic Tests
IMPORTANT: All obvious areas such as oil supply,
filter, binding linkages, loose fasteners or improper
adjustmentsmustbe checkedbeforeassuming that
ahydraulic componentis thesource oftheproblem.
Precautions for Hydraulic Testing
Failure to use gauges with recommended pres-
sure (PSI) rating as listed in test procedures
couldresult indamage tothe gaugeandpossible
personal injury from leaking hot oil.
All t esting should be performed by two (2)
people.One personshouldbe intheseat tooper-
ate the machine and the other should read and
record test results.
Operate all hydraulic controls to relieve system
pressure and avoid injury from pressurized hy-
draulicoil. SeeRelieving HydraulicSystemPres-
sure in the General Information section of this
Keep body and hands away from pin hole leaks
or nozzles that eject hydraulic fluid under high
pressure. Do not use hands to search for leaks;
use paper or cardboard. Hydraulic fluid escap-
ing under pressure can have sufficient force to
penetrate the skin and cause serious injury. If
fluidis injected intothe skin,itmust besurgical-
ly removed withina few hours by a doctor famil-
iar with this type of injury. Gangrene may result
from such an injury.
Before disconnecting or performing any work on
the hydraulic system, all pressure in the system
must be relieved and all rotating machine parts
must be stopped. Stop engine; lower or support
1. Clean machine thoroughly before disconnecting or
disassembling anyhydraulic components.Always keep
in mind the need for cleanliness when working on hy-
draulic equipment. Hydraulic system contamination will
cause excessive wear of hydraulic components.
2. Put metal caps or plugs on all hydraulic lines left
open or exposed during testing or removal of compo-
3. Theengine mustbein goodoperating condition.Use
a phototac to determine enginespeed when performing
a hydraulictest. Enginespeed willaffectthe accuracy of
the tester readings.
4. When using hydraulic tester with pressure and flow
capabilities, the inlet and theoutlet hoses mustbe prop-
erly connected and not reversed to prevent damage to
the hydraulic tester or machine components.
5. When using hydraulic tester with pressure and flow
capabilities, open load valve completely in the tester to
minimize the possibility of damaging components.
6. Install fittings finger tight and far enough to make
sure that they are not cross--threaded before tightening
them with a wrench.
7. Position tester hoses to prevent rotating machine
parts fromcontacting anddamaging thehoses ortester.
8. Check oil level in the hydraulic reservoir. After con-
necting test equipment, make sure tank is full.
9. Check c ontrol linkages for improper adjustment,
binding or broken parts.
10.All hydraulic tests should bemade with the hydraulic
oil at normal operating temperature.
11.Before returning machine to use, make sure that hy-
draulic reservoir has correct fluid level.