Groundsmaster 4500--D/4700--D Page 5 -- 33 Electrical System
Service and Repairs
NOTE: For more component repair information, see
the Kubota Workshop Manual, Diesel Engine,
V2403--M--T--E3B at the endof Chapter 3 -- Kubota Die-
sel Engines.
Battery Storage
If the machine will be stored for more than 30 days:
1. Remove the battery and charge it fully (see Battery
Service in this section).
2. Either store battery on a shelf or on the machine.
3. Leavecables disconnected ifthe batteryis storedon
the machine.
4. Storebattery in acool atmosphereto avoidquick de-
terioration of the battery charge.
5. To helpprevent the battery from freezing,make sure
it is fully charged (see Battery Service in this section).
Battery Care
1. Battery electrolyte level must be properly main-
tained. The top of the battery must be kept clean. lf the
machine is stored in a location where temperatures are
extremely high, the battery will discharge more rapidly
than ifthe machine isstored in a location where temper-
atures are cool.
Wear safety goggles and rubber gloves when
working with electrolyte. Charge battery in a
well ventilated place so gasses produced while
charging can dissipate. Since the gases are ex-
plosive, keep open flames and electricalsparks
away from the battery; do not smoke. Nausea
mayresultif thegasesareinhaled.Unplugchar-
ger from electrical outlet before connecting or
disconnecting charger leads to or from battery
IMPORTANT: Do not remove fill caps while clean-
2. Check battery condition weekly or after every 50
hours of operation. Keep terminals and entire battery
case cleanbecause a dirty batterywill dischargeslowly.
A. Clean batteryby washing entire case with asolu-
tionofbaking sodaand water.Rinsewith clearwater.
B. Coatbatteryposts andcableconnectorswithbat-
tery terminal protector (see Special Tools in this
chapter) or petroleum jelly to prevent corrosion.
3. Battery cables must be tight on terminals to provide
good electrical contact.
Connecting cables to t he wrong post could re-
sult inpersonalinjury and/or damageto theelec-
trical system.
4. If corrosion occurs at terminals, disconnect cables.
Always disconnect negative (--) cable first. Clean
clamps and terminals separately. Reconnect cables
with positive(+) cablefirst. Coatbattery posts andcable
connectors with battery terminal protector (see Special
Tools in thischapter) or petroleum jellyto prevent corro-
5. Checkelectrolytelevel every25 operatinghours and
every 30 days if machine is in storage.
6. Maintain celllevel with distilled ordemineralized wa-
ter. Do not fill cells above the fill line.