Groundsmaster 4500--D/4700--D Page 3 -- 3 Kubota Diesel Engine
General Information
This Chaptergives informationabout specificationsand
repair of the diesel engine used in the Groundsmaster
4500--D and 4700--D.
General maintenanceprocedures are described inyour
Traction Unit Operator’s Manual. Information on engine
troubleshooting, testing, disassembly and assembly is
identified in the Kubota Workshop Manual, Diesel En-
gine,V2403--M--T--E3B that isincludedat theendof this
Most repairs and adjustments r equire tools which are
commonly available in many service shops. Special
tools are described in the Kubota Workshop Manual,
DieselEngine,V2403--M--T--E3B.Theuse ofsomespe-
cialized test equipment is explained. However, the cost
of the test equipment and the specialized nature of
somerepairsmay dictatethatthe work bedoneatanen-
gine repair facility.
Service and repair parts for Kubota engines are sup-
plied through your Authorized Toro Distributor. If no
partslistisavailable,bepreparedtoprovide yourdistrib-
utor with the Toro model and serial number.
Operator’s Manual
The Traction Unit and Engine Operator’s Manuals pro-
vide information regarding the operation, general main-
tenance and maintenance intervals for your
Groundsmaster machine. Refer to these publications
for additional information when servicing the machine.
Stopping the Engine
IMPORTANT: Before stopping the engine after
mowing or full load operation, cool the turbo-char-
ger by allowing the engine to run at low idle speed
for five (5) minutes. Failure to do so may lead to tur-
bo-charger trouble.
Diesel Engine