
Groundsmaster 4500--D/4700--DHydraulic System Page 4 -- 34
O--ring Kit
Thekitincludes O--ringsin avariety ofsizesfor faceseal
and port seal hydraulic connections. It is recommended
that O--rings be replaced whenevera hydraulic connec-
tion is loosened.
Toro Part Number: 16--3799
Figure 31
High Pressure Hydraulic Oil Filter
If a component failure occurs in the closed loop traction
circuit, contamination from the failed part will remain in
the circuit until removed. When connecting hydraulic
test gauges in order to test traction circuit components
orafterreplacingafailedtractioncircuit component(e.g.
traction pump or wheel motor), a high pressure hydrau-
lic filter can be installed in the traction circuit. The filter
will ensure that contaminates are removed from the
closed loop and thus, do not cause additional compo-
nent damage.
A highpressure hydraulicoil filter canbe obtainedlocal-
Figure 32