
Groundsmaster 4500--D/4700--DCutting Decks Page 8 -- 2
Groundsmaster 4700--D
Groundsmaster 4500--D
MOUNTING: All cutting decks are supported by inde-
pendent liftarms and areinterchangeable to anycutting
deck positions. The Groundsmaster 4500--D uses five
(5) cutting decks. The Groundsmaster 4700 --D uses
seven (7) cutting decks.
CONSTRUCTION: Deck chamber and frame are
welded steel construction reinforced with channels and
HEIGHT--OF--CUT RANGE: 3/4 to 4 inch (19 to 101
mm) in1/4 inch(6.4 mm) increments.Height--of--cut ad-
justment is made by repositioning deck on deck frame.
DECK DRIVE: Closed loop, integrated relief, hydraulic
system operates cutting deck hydraulic motors. Blade
spindles are 1--1/4 inch (31.7 mm) shafts supported by
greaseable, tapered roller bearings in a ductile iron
CUTTING BLADE: Each cutting deck equipped with a
27inch (686mm)length, 0.250inch(6.4 mm)thick,heat
treated, steel blade. Anti--scalp cup installed on cutting
blade. The standard blade is optimized for most cutting
applications. Optional high lift, angled sail and Atomic
blades areavailable forthose situationswhere thestan-
dard blade is not ideal.
DISCHARGE:Clippings aredischarged fromthe rearof
the mowing decks. Pre--drilled mounting holes allow at-
tachment of optional mulching baffle.
CUTTING DECK LIFT: Cutting decks on the Ground-
smaster 4500--D are controlled with one (1) lift switch.
TheGroundsmaster4700--D usesthree(3)liftswitches:
onefor the rightwing deck,one forthe leftwingdeck and
the third (center) switch for the remaining five decks.
SUSPENSION SYSTEM: A fully floating suspension
with hydraulic counterbalance. Main center pivotallows
side--to--side deck oscillation. Individual decks sup-
ported with two (2) front rollers and one, full width, rear
WEIGHT: Individual cutting deck weighs approximately
210 lb (95 kg).