VISORNET - Installation
Doc. DM245-I
Rev. 7.0
The specific position of the jumpers and the switch for various practical cases are
explained in the following tables (SW 1 is equivalent to ON and 0 to OFF. JP1, JP2
and JP3 ON means that the jumper is in position and OFF means it is not):
Module SW1 JP1 JP2 JP3
0 1111 ON OFF OFF
Table 1.4. Configuration for a single CLESA module
Module SW1 JP1 JP2 JP3
0 1111 OFF ON ON
1 0111 ON OFF OFF
Table 1.5. Configuration for two CLESA modules
Module SW1 JP1 JP2 JP3
0 1111 OFF ON ON
1 0111 OFF ON ON
2 1011 ON OFF OFF
Table 1.6. Configuration for three CLESA modules
Module SW1 JP1 JP2 JP3
0 1111 OFF ON ON
1 0111 OFF ON ON
2 1011 OFF ON ON
3 0011 ON OFF OFF
Table 1.7. Configuration for four CLESA modules
Power Supply
The CLESA module is powered by 220V from the mains.
I - 2.2.3. Output connections
The outputs are made up of a contact (relay) that is activated or deactivated. Each
output has one connector with three contacts. The central one is common. One of the
others is normally open and on activation being produced, closes contact with the
common one. The third contact is normally closed and opens contact with the
common one when activation is produced.