
Doc. DM245-I
Rev. 7.0
on leaving the FTP session, the device will restart after approximately
30 seconds.
C:\> ftp
Connected to
220 FTP server ready, 1 active clients of 1 simultaneous
clients allowed.
User ( root
331 User name accepted, need password.
230 User login complete.
ftp> binary
200 TYPE is set to IMAGE.
ftp> hash
Hash mark printing On (2048 bytes/hash mark).
ftp> put vn860.bin
200 PORT is set to IP ADDR = PORT = 1172
150 Data connection open, file transfer in process...
226 STOR completed, 1078668 bytes processed, data
connection is closed.
1078668 bytes sent in 1,67 seconds (645,14 Kbytes/sec)
ftp> quote site savebuffer
200 SAVEBUFFER completed O.K.
ftp> quote site reload on
200 RELOAD mode is set to ON.
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.
II - 1.2. Updating throught Xmodem
This code updating mode is for those cases where you do not have an IP connection
available with the device or in emergency cases.
To carry out updating:
Set the microswitch 3 in the ON position and switch on the device. By
default, the transfer speed is 115200 bps; if you wish to change the said
speed you must access the device console and set a new speed.
Wait until the B2 ISDN LED is green and the S LED is slowly flashing
in yellow: the device is waiting to load the code.
Through a program with Xmodem operation, you carry out loading
from an application file; you will notice that the S LED is flashing
rapidly, indicating the transfer process. If the S LED passes to red, the
transfer has failed; repeat the process slowing down the speed.