
VISORNET - Installation
Doc. DM245-I
Rev. 7.0
It is highly recommended that all interconnected data devices be
plugged to THE SAME GROUNDED POWER OUTLET, which should
at the same time be of good quality (lower than 10 ohms).
Whether the workplace is provided with an uninterrupted power supply
system (UPS), regulated supply or it is independent from the rest (such
as lighting, etc.); it is highly recommended that all data devices should
be connected to the same power source. This will avoid operating and
premature aging problems of drivers and other components.
In order to connect to any type of cable device, you must first
disconnect the power source.
I - 2.2. Connecting Inputs / Outputs
The six VisorNet 4c inputs permit you to gather information coming from external
devices that could be, the opening or closing of a relay (if it is normally opened or
normally closed) and the loss or presence of a voltage or current source. In the
same way, and for devices equipped for connection to a supervised input, VisorNet 4c
is able to detect sabotages both in situations where a bridging has occurred in the
input’s two wires as well as if one of them has been cut. In this case the external
device that is connected should be prepared to connect to a supervised input.
VisorNet 4c is equipped to work with both normal inputs as well as supervised inputs.
The two VisorNet 4c outputs permit you to control the external devices through a
relay open/close. Each output has three contacts: COMMON, NORMALLY
OPENED and NORMALLY CLOSED. In this way, this is geared up for devices that
activate on the closing of a relay or those that activate on opening them.
Figure 1.4. Rear connectors for the six inputs (INPUTS) and the two outputs
NOTE: Please see the technical specifications for information on the
voltage and currents limit.