VISORNET - Installation
Doc. DM245-I
Rev. 7.0
I - 4. Positioning the key
You insert the key in the key slot on the front panel of the VisorNet 4c. The key has
four different positions. These positions are used to deactivate the device or to choose
between the “Day”, “Night” or “Automatic” mode programming. The position
selected coincides with the key “teeth”.
Figure 1.17. Key details on the device front panel
The four key positions permit the following:
Off position. This position inhibits device programming i.e. this ignores
activation in any of the zones.
Day position. Activates the “Day” program, independently of the schedule.
Night position. Activates the “Night” program independently of the schedule
Auto position. The device automatically selects the “Day” program or the
“Night” depending on the time and the scheduled time programmed. (Please for
more information see Dm246-I VisorNet User Manual).
I - 5. Microswitch Programming
On the underside of the device there are two covers held in place with screws and
conceal a total of nine microswitch configuration wires of the device. In Figure 1.18
you can see the position of the microswitches. The group of six wires on the
underside configure the inputs as can been seen in section I-2.2.1 “Input connections”.
The SW2 microswitch wires configure the video input impedance as can also be seen
in section I-2.5 “Connecting TV cameras”.
The SW1 wire microswitches have test and loading software functions etc. that should
not normally be handled by the user except in cases where the user has to start the
process in order to ignore the device configuration.