24 Getting Started
Note If you have not connected to the Internet and downloaded weather information for five days, the following
error message will be displayed: "Unable to retrieve data for selected city. Select here to retry." Use the data
connection to connect your XV6900 to the Internet, then touch the area that shows the error message to
download weather data.
You can also customize weather settings through the following steps:
1. Touch the area that shows the city name.
2. On the Select City screen, select Menu > Weather Options.
3. You can enable or disable the following options:
• Download weather data automatically. When this check
box is selected, weather information will automatically be
downloaded from the AccuWeather Web site whenever
you select the Weather tab, if the data has not been
updated within the last three hours. Weather data will
also be downloaded every time an ActiveSync connection
occurs (through over-the-air or USB connection).
Clear this check box if you prefer to manually download
weather information.
• Download when roaming. Select this check box only if
you want to allow automatic download of weather data
when you’re roaming. This may incur additional costs.
• Temperature Scale. Choose whether to display
temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Tip To check for more detailed weather information on the AccuWeather Web site, select Menu > About Weather
on the Select City screen and then touch the link that shows AccuWeather.com. Internet Explorer Mobile then
opens and brings you to the AccuWeather Web site.
The Launcher tab
Launcher allows you to add quick shortcuts to your favorite programs and settings for one-touch access.
Quick settings such as Adjust Backlight, Rotate Screen and Lock Device, and a few program shortcuts are
added by default. They can be replaced with your preferred settings and programs.
Touch a shortcut to remove it.
Touch a quick shortcut
to open the associated
program or apply the
associated setting.
Touch an empty slot to add a shortcut
to a setting or your favorite program.
Note To replace a shortcut, you need to delete it first and then add a shortcut to your favorite program or setting.