
Open a file
Select Browse files and the memory where the file is stored, browse to the correct
folder, and select the file.
Sort files
> Sort by.
Create or edit a document
With Quickoffice, you can create and edit Microsoft Word documents.
> Quickoffice.
Create a document
Select New document.
Edit a document
Write or edit text
Tap where you want to start, and write or delete text.
Format text
To change the font and paragraph properties, select
> Format.
Create or edit a workbook
With Quickoffice, you can create and edit Microsoft Excel workbooks.
> Quickoffice.
Create a workbook
Select New document.
Edit a workbook
Edit a cell
Select the cell and
> Edit cell. To insert a function, in the editing view, select >
Insert function.
Create or edit a presentation
With Quickoffice, you can create and edit Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.
Office 93