
[ 99 ]
The status of the topic: for new, subscribed messages and
for new, unsubscribed messages.
The topic number, topic name, and whether it has been flagged ( )
for follow-up. You will be notified when messages belonging to a
flagged topic have arrived.
Note: A packet data (GPRS) connection may prevent cell broadcast
reception. Contact your service provider for the correct GPRS settings.
For further information on the GPRS settings, see GPRS Packet
data on p. 38.
In the Messaging main view, select Options Service command.
You can send service requests, such as activation commands for system
services (also known as USSD commands), to your service provider. For
more information, contact your service provider.
To send a request in the standby mode or when you have an active call,
key in the command number(s) and press Send. If you need to enter letters
as well as numbers, select Messaging Options Service command.
The Messaging settings are divided into groups according to the different
message types. Scroll to the settings you want to edit and press
Settings for text messages
Options when editing text message center settings are: New msg.
center, Edit, Delete, Help, and Exit.
Go to Messaging and select Options Settings Text message to open
the following list of settings:
Message centersLists all the text message service centers that have
been defined. See Add a new text message center on p. 100.
Msg. center in use (Message center in use)Defines which message
center is used for delivering text messages and smart messages such
as picture messages.