
Polycom, Inc. 40
Writing Your Web Application 4:
This chapter provides you with information you need to know while writing your Web application.
The topics in this chapter include:
Developing Your Browser Application
Developing Microbrowser-Specific Applications
Web Info: Polycom Developer Community
Polycom has an active Developer Community Forum where you can find more sample codes as well
as answers to many common developer questions.
Developing Your Browser Application
You need to ensure you develop a Web application that runs on the browser available on VVX® phones.
You can see which phones support the browser in Table 2: Polycom Phones that Support the Browser
and Microbrowser.
This section contains information on:
Supporting HTTP
Launching the Browser from VVX Phones
Navigating and Form Editing on the Main Browser
Viewing the Idle Browser
Using Browser JavaScript DOM Extensions
Refer to What is the Browser to view the standards supported in the browser.
Supporting HTTP
The browser is a fully compliant HTTP/1.1 user agent as described in RFC 2616.
The browser supports:
Cookies Cookies are stored in the flash file system; they are preserved when the phone reboots
or is reconfigured. Cookies are shared between the idle display browser, if available, and the main
Refresh headers
HTTP proxies
HTTP proxy authentication The phone supports login credentials that authenticate your phone
to the server.