Web Application for Polycom Phones UC Software 5.0.0
Polycom, Inc. 88
Tag Type
Tag Description
<link>—Defines a resource reference.
Frame Tags
<frame>—Defines a sub window (frame).
<frameset>—Defines a set of frames.
<noframes>—Defines a noframe section.
<iframe>—Defines an inline sub window (frame).
Input Tags
<form>—Defines a form.
The following attributes are not supported: accept, accept charset, enctype, target,
class, id, style, title, dir, lang, and accesskey.
<input>—Defines an input field.
The following attributes are not supported: accept, align, alt, disabled, maxlength,
readonly, size, arc, type:button, type:file, type:image, class, is, style, title, dir, lang,
and accesskey.
<textarea>—Defines a text area.
<button>—Defines a push button.
<select>—Defines a selectable list.
<optgroup>—Defines an option group.
<option>—Defines an item in a list box.
<label>—Defines a label for a form control.
<fieldset>—Defines a fieldset.
<legend>—Defines a title in a fieldset.
<isindex>—Deprecated. Defines a single-line input field.
List Tags
<ul>—Defines an unordered list.
<ol>—Defines an ordered list.
<li>—Defines a list item.
<dir>—Deprecated. Defines a directory list.
<dl>—Defines a definition list.
<dt>—Defines a definition term.
<dd>—Defines a definition description.
<menu>—Deprecated. Defines a menu list.