Web Application for Polycom Phones UC Software 5.0.0
Polycom, Inc. 61
An example of the <audio> tag is shown next.
Table 53: <audio> Tag Example
<audio src="flute16Ksps.wav" description="This is a short description"
buttons="Details Back" links="details.xhtml SoftKey:Back" />
Ordered and Unordered List Tag
The following tags are supported:
<ol> - Defines an ordered list.
<ul> - Defines an unordered list.
List tags (<li>) are used to define ordered or unordered lists. The first item in the <li> tag must be a link
with an <a> anchor tag and the HREF member set to the desired URI. You cannot have images or text
before the link.
The <ol> tag defines an ordered list, which can be numerical or alphabetical. This tag does not support
any attributes.
An example of an ordered list is shown next.
Table 54: <ol> Tag Example
<li><a href="target1.html">link 1</a></li>
<li><a href="target2.html">link 2</a></li>
<li><a href="target3.html">link 3</a></li>
The <ul> tag defines an unordered list. This tag does not support any attributes.