Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Related Documentation
The tasks described in this guide are considered to be administration-level tasks. Because of the close
interaction of Personal
Assistant with Cisco CallManager, these tasks require you to be familiar with
CallManager as well.
Related Documentation
For information about Cisco CallManager and additional information about Personal Assistant, refer to
the following publications:
• Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
• Personal Assistant end-user interface Help
Help and Document Conventions
The Personal Assistant Help system provides task-oriented Help and context-sensitive Help that is
available from every window that contains a Help menu or button.
The Help system includes an index and is organized the same way as the Personal Assistant
documentation set.
Using Help
You can access Help in any of the following ways:
• From the Help menu:
Access Help for the page you are viewing by selecting Help > For This Screen.
Access the contents of the Help system by selecting Help > Contents and Index.
• For a printed version of the manual associated with the application, or to view or search an Adobe
Acrobat version of the Help system, click the PDF button in the top left of the Help system. If you
have Adobe Acrobat installed (either as an independent application or as a plug-in to your browser),
the document opens.
From Acrobat, you can search the entire manual, print the entire manual or selected pages, or read
the manual online. Click the Bookmarks and Page button to view a table of contents for the
document in the left-hand margin if it is not already displayed. The bookmarks provide an easy way
to navigate through the document.