Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Appendix A Personal Assistant Administration Page Reference
Corporate Directory Settings
Directory Search Base DN for
Enter the Distinguished Name (DN) for the user node of your corporate directory.
• For Cisco CallManager DC Directory—Enter ou=<Root user DC Directory node>,
o=<Fully qualified domain name>. For example: ou=Users,o=Domain.com.
• For Active Directory—Enter a comma-separated list of each component of the
distinguished name for the user node in Active Directory. For example: if the node is
UserNode1.Subdomain1.Domain.com, enter dc=UserNode1,dc=Subdomain1,
• For Netscape Directory—Enter ou=People,o=<Fully qualified domain name>. For
example: ou=People,o=UserNode1.Subdomain1.Domain.com.
Directory Search Filter Enter an LDAP expression for restricting the entries retrieved. For example, you can limit
the Personal Assistant directory lookups to a specific location, thus allowing users to use
name dialing for employees only in the selected area. If your directory includes a “location”
field, and “newyork” is a valid location in your directory, a directory search filter for limiting
searches to New York would be “(location=newyork).”
• For Cisco CallManager DC Directory—If the user search base is set to the root node or
domain, append !(description=ciscoPABUser) to the Directory Search Filter. For
example, (&(objectclass=person)(!(description=ciscoPABUser))). Otherwise, Personal
Assistant will be unable to distinguish between users in the corporate directory and users
in the address book.
• For Active Directory—If your message store is Exchange 5.5, enter
(&(objectclass=user)(objectcategory=Person)). Otherwise, enter
• For Netscape Directory—Enter (objectClass=person).
Note that the instructions above are valid for the typical configuration. The expression you
enter might need additional search-filter parameters, depending on how your directory is
structured. The expression must be valid for the directory you are using. If you do not know
what to enter, refer to the documentation supplied with the directory, or ask your directory
administrator for information on valid LDAP expressions for your corporate directory.
Click Test for Personal Assistant to validate the search filter.
Use LDIF File Check this check box for Personal Assistant to read corporate directory information from an
LDIF file that you specify, both when the system refreshes and when it restarts.
By default, Personal Assistant uses an LDAP query.
Uncheck this check box if you are not using an LDIF file.
LDIF File Location Enter the UNC path for the file that you created in the “Using an LDIF File” section on
page 2-7.
For example, enter \\Paserver\ldif\paldifdata.ldif.
Click Test for Personal Assistant to validate the file.
Limit Page Size
(for systems querying Active
Directory only)
If the LDAP directory has a restriction on the number of results returned per query, check
this check box for Personal
Assistant to use the number of results per page that you specify.
Otherwise, uncheck this check box.
Table A-3 System > Corporate Directory Settings Page (continued)
Field Considerations