Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Appendix A Personal Assistant Administration Page Reference
Speech Services Configuration
Rejection Confidence Level Enter the percentage confidence level below which a user request is rejected.
The speech-recognition software assigns a percentage confidence level to every session. If
the confidence level is less than the Rejection Confidence Level, Personal
Assistant tells the
user that the request could not be understood. The user can then repeat the request or try
phrasing it differently.
Enter a number between 0 and 100. The default is 45. Do not include the percentage sign in
the field.
Reconfirm Confidence Level Enter the percentage confidence level below which the user is asked to confirm the
speech-recognition software interpretation of the request.
If the confidence level is between the Rejection Confidence Level and the Reconfirm
Confidence Level, Personal
Assistant tells the speaker its interpretation of the request and
asks the speaker to confirm the interpretation.
If the confidence level is higher than the Reconfirm Confidence Level, Personal Assistant
completes the request without asking the speaker for confirmation. However, the speaker can
tell Personal
Assistant to cancel or stop the action.
If you set this level too high, users will have to reconfirm most commands. If you set it too
low, Personal
Assistant might perform too many unintended tasks.
Enter a number between 0 and 100. The default is 60. Do not include the percentage sign in
the field.
Max Error Count per Dialog Enter the maximum number of speech-recognition errors allowed in a single dialog. One user
session with Personal
Assistant or voice mail consists of several dialogs; for example, the
attempt to dial a person is a single dialog.
If the user exceeds this error count, Personal Assistant transfers the user to the operator.
The default is 3.
Max Error Count per Call Enter the maximum number of speech-recognition errors allowed in an entire
Assistant or voice-mail session (that is, the sum of errors in each dialog).
If the user exceeds this error count, Personal Assistant transfers the user to the operator.
The Max Error Count per Call must be larger than Max Error Count per Dialog.
When the user is in voice mail, the user must encounter three times the error count configured
here before the count is considered exceeded.
The default is 8.
Max Help Count per Dialog Enter the maximum number of times the user can ask Personal Assistant or the voice mail
system for help within a single dialog.
If the user asks for help more times than this number, Personal Assistant transfers the user
to the operator.
When a user asks for help, Personal Assistant or the voice mail system tells the user the
various actions the user can perform at that point in the dialog.
The default is 2.
Table A-14 System > Speech Services Configuration Page (continued)
Field Considerations