Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 2 Installing and Upgrading Personal Assistant
Disabling McAfee NetShield Services
Sample LDIF File Creation
For example, assume that the directory is Active Directory and that you are setting up the LDIF file
Paldifdata.ldif in the directory C:/Ldif. To create the file, run the ldifde command, as follows:
ldifde -s global-catalog-server -t 3268 -d “dc=sample,dc=com” -r “(ObjectCategory=Person)” -p
SubTree -l “givenName,sn,alias,homePhone,telephoneNumber,mobile,pager,mail” -n -f
The example produces the following output:
dn: CN=jdoe,CN=users,CN=sample,CN=com
changetype: add
mail: jdoe@sample.com
givenName: John
sn: Doe
telephoneNumber: 12345
Disabling McAfee NetShield Services
If McAfee NetShield is installed on the Personal Assistant server, the virus-scan services must be
disabled before you run the Personal
Assistant installation program in order to speed up the installation
or upgrade process. (The task list alerts you when to re-enable the services.)
To Disable McAfee NetShield Services
Step 1 On the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Administrative Tools > Services.
Step 2 In the right pane, double-click each of the services listed below. For each service, on the General tab,
click Stop, click Disabled in the Startup Type list, and then click OK.
• Network Associates Alert Manager
• Network Associates McShield
• Network Associates Task Manager
Step 3 Close the Services MMC.
Disabling Cisco Security Agent for Cisco Personal Assistant
To Disable the Cisco Security Agent Service
Step 1 On the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Administrative Tools > Services.
Step 2 In the right pane, double-click Cisco Security Agent.
Step 3 Click the General tab, and click Stop.
Step 4 In the Startup Type list, click Disabled, and click OK.
Step 5 Click OK to close the Cisco Security Agent Properties dialog box.