Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 2 Installing and Upgrading Personal Assistant
Refreshing the System—Updating User Information from the Corporate Directory
To Refresh the System
Step 1 Log on to the Personal Assistant administration interface.
Step 2 Select System > Speech Services. The Speech Services Configuration page appears.
Step 3 Click Refresh Now.
Note that the refresh can take up to an hour, depending on the size of the corporate directory, the number
of locales installed, and the number of directory hierarchies configured.
Step 4 After the refresh has completed, verify that the refresh was successful by clicking Last Refresh Details.
Step 5 If the refresh was not successful, the Personal Assistant services may not run and some
Assistant features may be unavailable. Do the following substeps:
a. On the Speech Services Configuration page, verify that the entry in the License Key field is valid.
If the Number of Licenses field does not display the correct number speech ports and available
locales, re-enter the license key, and click Save to update the information.
b. Verify the DNS names or IP addresses in the Speech Recognition Server Hosts and the Speech
Recognition License Manager Hosts lists. If any information is incorrect, make the applicable
modifications, and click Save to update the information.
c. Navigate to the Control Center page and verify that the license manager is running. If the license
manager has not started, click the Start button on the same line as the server name.
d. Return to the Speech Services Configuration page and click Refresh Now.
e. After the refresh has completed, verify that the refresh was successful by clicking Last Refresh
If the refresh was not successful, contact Cisco TAC to resolve the problem before proceeding.