Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 1 Planning for Personal Assistant
Intercepting Calls with Personal Assistant
On the other hand, User 5555 can dial User 3000, because the calling search space of User 5555, cssGW,
includes the Lobby partition in which the extension of User 3000 exists.
To understand how Personal Assistant uses partitions and call search spaces to intercept user calls, see
“Defining Partitions and Call Search Spaces for Personal Assistant” section on page 1-18.
Defining Partitions and Call Search Spaces for Personal Assistant
You need to create or update partitions and calling search spaces in Cisco CallManager to support
Assistant. If you are already using these features, you simply need to update your existing
settings and add ones specific to Personal
Assistant. If you are not currently using these features in
CallManager, you must add a minimal set to enable Personal Assistant to intercept calls.
The following sections provide examples of using partitions and calling search spaces with
• Adding Personal Assistant to Existing Partitions, page 1-18
• Adding Personal Assistant Without Previously Defined Partitions, page 1-20
Adding Personal Assistant to Existing Partitions
To understand how Personal Assistant uses partitions and calling search spaces, recall that the previous
example (the
“Using Partitions and Calling Search Spaces Without Personal Assistant” section on
page 1-17) showed partitions (Employee, Lobby, and PSTN) and calling search spaces (cssLobby,
cssEmp, and cssGW). To add Personal Assistant to this scenario, you must do the following:
1. Add a Personal Assistant partition, for example PA, and a Personal Assistant managed phones
partition, for example PAManaged.
Add the interceptor ports (to intercept incoming calls) to the PA partition.
Add the phones of all employees who will use Personal Assistant to the PAManaged partition.
Leave other employees phones in the NonPAManaged partition, and add the following devices and
ports to it:
CTI route point (the pilot port to access Personal Assistant)
Media ports (to support Personal Assistant sessions)
2. Add the PA partition to the cssLobby, cssEmp, and cssGW calling search spaces. Be sure to add the
PA partition to the top of the list to force Cisco
CallManager to search the PA partition first.
Partition Name Designated Devices Assigned to Partition
Lobby All lobby phones
NonPAManaged All employee IP phones not managed by
Assistant, Personal Assistant CTI route
point, and Personal
Assistant media ports
PA Personal Assistant interceptor ports
PAManaged All employee IP phones managed by
PSTN All externally destined route patterns (local PSTN)