Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Personal Assistant
Resolving Problems with Using Personal Assistant
• Message Waiting Indicator Does Not Work, page 6-6
• All Users Cannot Browse Voice Mail, page 6-7
• Some Users Cannot Browse Voice Mail, page 6-7
• Users Cannot Log On to Cisco Unity Voice Mail, page 6-7
• Calendar-Based Call-Routing Rules Do Not Work, page 6-8
• Users Hear Text to Speech Names Too Often, page 6-9
Unable to Access the User Web Interface
If users cannot access the Personal Assistant user web interface pages, it may be that the systemwide
default locale for the speech-recognition interface and user web interface has not been set. If the Default
Locale field on the Speech Services Configuration page of the Personal
Assistant Administration
interface is blank, move applicable locales from the available locales list to the supported locales list.
Then, click the default locale in the list. See the
“Speech Services Configuration” section on page A-21
for instructions.
If users cannot log on to the Personal Assistant user web interface, verify that they are using the correct
logon name. The logon name should match the unique user attribute that you defined on the Corporate
Directory settings page of the Personal
Assistant Administration interface. For example, if your
organization uses the employee e-mail address as the unique user attribute, verify that users are entering
an e-mail address and not another attribute, such as a phone number.
Search Results Include Multiple Copies of a User
If Personal Assistant returns multiple copies of a user when you search for users in the
Assistant user web interface, and if your directory is Cisco CallManager DC Directory, ensure
that the corporate directory search filter includes the string !(description=CiscoPABUser), if the user
search base is set to the root of the directory. The full entry in the Directory Search Filter field should
be (&(objectclass=person)(!(description=CiscoPABUser))). Otherwise, Personal
Assistant cannot
distinguish between users in the corporate directory and users in the personal address book. See the
“Corporate Directory Settings” section on page A-3 for instructions on setting the directory search filter.
Unable to Use Speech Commands
If users cannot use speech commands and instead must use touch-tone dialing to interact with
• Verify that the speech recognition server is up and running. See the “Starting and Stopping the
Servers and License Manager” section on page 6-14.
• Establish whether you have recently added a new speech-recognition server or additional license
manager hosts. If you have, you must refresh the servers before they can support users. See the
“Configuring Speech Recognition” section on page 4-4.
• Consider whether you have an adequate number of speech-recognition servers to handle the number
of users. See the
“Creating Server Clusters” section on page 1-10. You might want to add more
speech licenses to accommodate usage.