Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring Personal Assistant
Configuring the Corporate Directory
Before you begin the procedure, you must know some details about the corporate directory. Review the
procedure and contact your directory administrator to obtain any information you do not know.
To Configure the Corporate Directory
Step 1 In the Personal Assistant Administration, select System > Corporate Directory Settings. The
Corporate Directory Settings page opens.
Step 2 In the Unique User Attribute Name field, enter the unique identifier attribute field used in the corporate
Personal Assistant uses this attribute to identify each user. For example, even if two users have the same
name (John Smith), they have unique e-mail addresses.
The field that you use depends on your corporate directory. Use the applicable field, as follows:
• For Cisco CallManager DC Directory—enter cn
• For Active Directory—enter sAMAccountName
• For Netscape Directory—enter either cn or uid
For any other directory, ask the directory administrator for the name of the unique field.
Note that the name is case sensitive.
Step 3 In the Directory Server URL field, enter the URL for the corporate directory, including the port number.
The value that you enter depends on your corporate directory. Use the applicable value, as follows: (Note
that these options use the default port numbers for each type of directory.)
• For Cisco CallManager DC Directory—Enter ldap://<Fully qualified domain name of the corporate
directory server>:8404.
• For Active Directory, single domain—If your users are contained in a single domain, enter
ldap://<Fully qualified domain name of the domain controller>:389.
• For Active Directory, multiple domains—If you have defined users in multiple domains, enter
ldap://<Fully qualified domain name of the Global Catalog server>:3268.
• For Netscape Directory—Enter ldap://<IP address of the Netscape Directory server>:389.
For any other directory, ask the directory administrator for the value to use.
Step 4 If the directory requires authentication for access, enter the administrator name in the Directory Admin
DN field, and enter the password in the Directory Admin Password field.
The value that you enter in the Directory Admin DN field depends on your corporate directory. Use the
applicable value, as follows:
• For Cisco CallManager DC Directory—Enter cn=Directory Manager,o=domain.com.
• For Active Directory—Enter <Active Directory administrator user ID>@<Fully qualified domain
• For Netscape Directory—Enter cn=Directory Manager.
Note that Directory Manager is the default administrator user ID for Cisco CallManager DC Directory
and for Netscape Directory. If your system uses a different administrator user ID, use the applicable
For any other directory, ask the directory administrator for the value to use.
Step 5 In the Directory Search Base DN for Users field, enter the Distinguished Name (DN) for the user node
of your corporate directory.