Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Appendix A Personal Assistant Administration Page Reference
Cisco CallManager Internal Directory Configuration
Cisco CallManager Internal Directory Configuration
The Cisco CallManager Internal Directory Configuration page opens when you select System >
CallManager Directory.
Table A-4 describes the fields on the Cisco CallManager Internal Directory Configuration page. Use the
Cisco CallManager Internal Directory Configuration page to specify the backup directory servers if you
are using Personal
Assistant version 1.4(3) or later and if Cisco CallManager is using its internal
directory. When you have modified data in the fields on the page, click Save to save your changes.
Note The IP address that is displayed above the subscriber servers identifies the Cisco CallManager publisher
for the cluster.
Dial Rules Configuration
The Dial Rules Configuration page opens when you select System > Dial Rules.
Table A-5 describes the fields on the Dial Rules Configuration page. Use the Dial Rules Configuration
page to create global dialing rules. These rules can help you automatically remove digits from or add
digits to the phone numbers that your users dial. For example, you can automatically add 9 in front of
seven-digit numbers to permit users to access an outside line. Dial rules are applied when a user dials a
number through Personal
Assistant. A rule is applied to a dialed number only if all the conditions are
You configure dial rules by filling in the applicable fields, and clicking Add Rule.
You can create a rule that distinguishes between phone numbers based on the initial string of digits, on
the length of the number, or both. You can remove numbers from the front of the dialed number, add
numbers to the front, or both.
Each field is optional, but you must at least fill in either the Number of Prefix Digits to Remove field or
the New Prefix field in order for the rule to be applied.
The list of dial rules is an ordered list of the rules you have created. Personal Assistant evaluates the rules
from top to bottom, processing only the first rule that applies to the dialed number.
Number of Results per Page
(for systems querying Active
Directory only)
Enter the number of results per page that Personal Assistant will use for LDAP queries.
Consult your LDAP administrator to determine the page size to use.
Table A-3 System > Corporate Directory Settings Page (continued)
Field Considerations
Ta ble A-4 System > Internal Directory Configuration Page
Field Considerations
Cisco CallManager Subscriber
Enter the host name or IP address of a subscriber in the Cisco CallManager cluster that can
provide backup directory services when the publisher is unavailable.
Click Add to add the subscriber to the Cisco CallManager Subscriber Servers list.