Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring Personal Assistant
Configuring Personal Assistant Servers
• The right column contains the settings for the selected server. When you initially open the page, this
column is empty of settings, so that you can add a new Personal
Assistant server. If you later want
to add a new Personal
Assistant server while viewing the properties of an existing server, click New
before entering settings.
Step 2 Enter settings for a new server, or change the existing settings, as applicable. See the “Server
Configuration” section on page A-16 for explanations of each setting. At a minimum, you must
configure the following settings to enable a fully-functional server:
• Server Name—A unique name for the server. This is not the same as the DNS name or IP address
of the server. Instead, it is a name used internally by Personal
Assistant. Choose a naming
convention that is meaningful to you.
• Hostname or IP Address—The DNS name or IP address of the Personal Assistant server.
• Route Address Provider—The telephony provider you created to supply JTAPI services for the route
point. See the
“Configuring Telephony Providers” section on page 4-7 for information on creating
the provider. The provider you select must be in the same Cisco CallManager cluster in which the
route points are defined.
• Route Address—The CTI route point for the Personal Assistant server, as defined in
CallManager. This is the phone number users dial to contact Personal Assistant. See the “CTI
Route Points and Media Ports” section on page 1-3 and the “Setting Up Personal Assistant Server
Load Balancing” section on page 1-13 for detailed information on the CTI route address.
• Media Port Provider—The telephony provider you created to supply Skinny services for the media
ports. See the
“Configuring Telephony Providers” section on page 4-7 for information on creating
the provider. The provider you select must be in the same Cisco CallManager cluster in which the
Assistant route point is defined.
• Media Port Beginning Address—The start of the range of ports defined in Cisco CallManager that
will be used to terminate calls to Personal
Assistant. When Personal Assistant answers a call, it is
assigned to an available port in this range.
• Number of Media Ports—The number of ports you want to support on the server. This number
determines how many simultaneous speech-recognition sessions the server can handle. The number
you choose depends on the server platform you are using, and whether you are using failover. See
“Creating Server Clusters” section on page 1-10 for information about the maximum ports that
are available for the various hardware platforms and installation configurations.
• Interceptor Port Provider—The telephony provider you created to supply JTAPI services for the
route points used as Personal
Assistant interceptor ports. See the “Configuring Telephony
Providers” section on page 4-7 for information on creating the provider. The provider you select
must be in the same Cisco CallManager cluster in which the route points are defined.
• Interceptor Ports—The phone extensions for which you want this Personal Assistant server to
intercept incoming calls. Personal
Assistant intercepts calls to these extensions so that it can apply
the applicable call routing rules. This list is central to the functions of Personal
Assistant; setting up
Assistant to intercept calls to these extensions requires careful planning and changes to the
extension properties in Cisco
The extensions you enter must be defined in Cisco CallManager. If you defined route points by using
wildcards, such as 25XX, you can enter them here.
Read the following sections for detailed explanations and examples:
Creating Personal Assistant Interceptor Ports and Configuring Error Handling, page 3-4
Partitions and Calling Search Spaces, page 1-4
Defining Partitions and Call Search Spaces for Personal Assistant, page 1-18