Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring Personal Assistant
Configuring Directory Lookup Rules
Tip To change a rule, find it in the list of rules, modify the properties as desired, and click Update on the line
with the rule.
To change the priority of a rule, use the up and down arrows until the rule is correctly positioned. For
Assistant version 1.4(5) and later, you can also enter the applicable value in the New Priority
field, and click Update on the line with the rule.
To delete a rule, find it in the list of rules, and click the Delete icon on the same line as the rule.
Configuring Directory Lookup Rules
You can create directory lookup rules to automatically modify incoming internal phone numbers so that
the user information associated with the number can be found in the corporate directory.
For example, if you use 5-digit numbers to call within your phone network, but the corporate directory
uses 7- or 10-digit number versions of the 5-digit numbers, Personal
Assistant will be unable to match
a 5-digit number to the caller. By creating directory lookup rules, you can convert the 5-digit number to
the type of number used in the directory, so that Personal
Assistant can find the caller associated with
the number.
Directory lookup rules do not modify the number that is dialed. These rules only convert the number to
something that can be found in the corporate directory for information lookup purposes.
Rules can distinguish between phone numbers based on the initial string of digits, on the length of the
number, or both. They can remove numbers from the front of the dialed number, add numbers to the
front, or both.
To Configure Directory Lookup Rules
Step 1 In the Personal Assistant Administration, select System > Directory Lookup Rules. The Directory
Lookup Rules page opens.
The page is divided into two sections:
• Add Rule—This section contains a fill-in-the-blank sentence and the Add Rule button.
• List of Directory Lookup Rules—This is a list of your rules, in order of priority. Rules are applied
from top to bottom. If a number satisfies the conditions of a rule, the rule is applied and no
subsequent rules are considered.
Step 2 Enter information in the fields in the Add Rule section to create the desired directory lookup rule. Each
field is optional, but you must at least fill in either the Number of Prefix Digits to Remove field or the
New Prefix field in order for the rule to be applied.
• Phone Number Prefix—Enter one or more digits at the beginning of the number the user dials. The
distinguishing string of digits can be as many digits as the number itself.
• Total Number of Digits—Enter the total number of digits in the phone number the user dials. Do not
count hyphens or spaces.
• Number of Prefix Digits to Remove—Enter the number of digits that Personal Assistant will delete
from the front of the dialed number. For example, if you enter 4, and the dialed number is
1-500-555-6262, Personal
Assistant removes 1500, and leaves 555-6262.