edge-port Enter the keywords edge-port to configure the interface as
a PVST+ edge port.
Enter the keyword portfast to enable Portfast to move the
interface into Forwarding mode immediately after the root
Enter the keyword bpduguard to disable the port when it
receives a BPDU.
(OPTIONAL) Enter the keywords shutdown-on-violation
to hardware disable an interface when a BPDU is received
and the port is disabled.
err-disable Enter the keywords err-disable to enable the port to be
put into the error-disable state (EDS) if an error condition
vlan vlan-range Enter the keyword vlan then the VLAN numbers. The range
is from 1 to 4094.
cost number Enter the keyword cost then the port cost value. The range
is from 1 to 200000.
• 100 Mb/s Ethernet interface = 200000.
• 1-Gigabit Ethernet interface = 20000.
• 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface = 2000.
• Port Channel interface with one 100 Mb/s Ethernet =
• Port Channel interface with one 1 Gigabit Ethernet =
• Port Channel interface with one 10 Gigabit Ethernet =
• Port Channel with two 1 Gigabit Ethernet = 18000.
• Port Channel with two 10 Gigabit Ethernet = 1800.
• Port Channel with two 100 Mbps Ethernet = 180000.
priority value Enter the keyword priority then the Port priority value in
increments of 16. The range is from 0 to 240. The default is
loopguard (C-, S-, and E-Series TeraScale only) Enter the keyword
loopguard to enable loop guard on a PVST+ port or port-
channel interface.
rootguard (C-, S-, and E-Series TeraScale only) Enter the keyword
rootguard to enable root guard on a PVST+ port or port-
channel interface.
Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus (PVST+)