DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 2 Configuring BGP IP VPN
DES-7200# config terminal
Enter the global configuration mode.
DES-7200(config)# ip vrf vrf-name
Create a VRF and enter the VRF configuration
DES-7200(config-vrf)# import map
Set the policy to import remote VPNv4 routes to
the local VPN routes based on the rules defined in
the route map.
DES-7200(config-vrf)# export map
Set the extended community attribute to export
remote VPNv4 routes based on the rules defined in
the route map.
DES-7200(config-vrf)# show
View all configuration information.
The rules defined by using the import map command take effect after the
extended community attribute defined in the VRF is imported. That is,
remote VPN routes can enter the rules defined by using the import map
command for further filtering only after the routes match the extended
community attribute defined by the route-target import command for the
# Configure a route map that exports VPN routes with the RT of 100:1 to vrf1.
DES-7200# configure terminal
DES-7200(config)# ip extcommunity-list 1 permit rt 100: 1
DES-7200(config)# route-map IN-RT-FILTER
DES-7200(config-route-map)# match extcommunity 1
DES-7200(config-route-map)# exit
DES-7200(config)# ip vrf vrf1
DES-7200(config-vrf)# rd 100:2
DES-7200(config-vrf)# route-target export 100: 30
DES-7200(config-vrf)# import-map IN-RT-FILTER
DES-7200(config-route-map)# end
DES-7200# show ip vrf vrf1
VRF vrf1; default RD : 100:2
Vlan 1 // the interface bound to the VRF
Export VPN route-target communities: //the configured list of export extended community
RT: 100:30