
DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 1 SNMP
1.2.2 Configuring MIB Views and
With view-based access control model, you can determine whether the object of
a management operation is in a view or not. For access control, generally some
users are associated with a group and then the group is associated with a view.
The users in a group have the same access right.
z Set an inclusion view and an exclusion view.
z Set a Read-only view and a Read-write view for a group.
z Set security levels, whether to authenticate, and whether to encrypt for
SNMPv3 users.
To configure the MIB views and groups, run the following commands in the
global configuration mode:
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# snmp-server
view view-name oid-tree {include |
Create a MIB view to include or
exclude associated MIB objects.
DES-7200(config)# snmp-server
group groupname {v1 | v2c |v3
{auth | noauth | priv}} [read
readview] [write writeview]
[access {[ipv6 ipv6_aclname]
[aclnum | aclname] }]
Create a group and associate it with
the view.
You can delete a view by using the no snmp-server view view-name
command, or delete a tree from the view by using the no snmp-server view
view-name oid-tree command. You can also delete a group by using the no
snmp-server group
groupname command.
1.2.3 Configuring SNMP Users
User-based security model can be used for security management. In this mode,
you should configure user information first. The NMS can communicate with the
SMP Agent by using a valid user account.
For SNMPv3 users, you can specify security level, authentication algorithm
(MD5 or SHA), authentication password, encryption algorithm (only DES now)
and encryption password.
To configure a SNMP user, run the following commands in the global
configuration mode:
Command Function