DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 4 MLD
DES-7200(config-if) # no ipv6 pim
Disable the multicast routing protocol
and MLD.
4.2.3 Configure MLD Version
To configure MLD version, run the following command in the interface
configuration mode:
Command Function
DES-7200(config-if) # ipv6 mld
version {1|2}
Configure the MLD version.
DES-7200(config-if) # no ipv6 mld
Recover the MLD version to the
default version2.
4.2.4 Configure Last Listener Query Interval
After receiving a group leave message, the querier device will send a
group-specific listener query to identify that whether there are still listeners in the
group. During the interval of sending last listener query, if no report is received,
the device will assume that the leaving device is the last listener of the group, and
will the information of this group. The default value is 1s. The Last Listener Query
Interval determines the leaving speed of listeners.
Run the following command in the interface configuration mode:
Command Function
DES-7200(config-if) # ipv6 mld
last-member-query-interval interval
Configure the last listener query
interval: the valid range is 1-255, in
DES-7200(config-if) # no ipv6 mld
Configure Last Listener Query Interval
to default value.
4.2.5 Configure Last Listener Query Count
To avoid the loss of group-specific listener query messages sent by the querier
device, the messages need to be sent for several times to guarantee reliability.
Therefore, the Last Listener Query Count shall be configured.
Run the following command in the interface configuration mode:
Command Function
DES-7200(config-if) # ipv6 mld
last-member-query-count count
Configure the last listener query count.
count: the valid range is 2-7, and the
default value is 2.
DES-7200(config-if) # no ipv6 mld
Configure the last listener query count
to the default value.
4.2.6 Configure General Listener Query Interval
At every other listener query interval, the querier will periodically send out the
listener query messages to verify the relationship of current listeners. The