DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 6 PIM-SM
group-based static RP group. Each static multicast group maintains the link
table structure of a static RP group. The link tables are ordered in descending
sequence by IP addresses. When a RP is selected for a group, the first
element, namely, the RP with the highest IP address is firstly selected.
Deleting a static RP address deletes the address from all groups that has this
address, and one address is selected from the existing tree structure as the RP
6.3.11 Configuring the Device as the Candidate BSR
This command configures a device to be a candidate BSR to generate the
globally-unique BSR in the PIM-SM domain, which will collect and distribute RPs
in the domain so as to ensure the uniqueness of RP mapping in the domain.
To configure the device as the candidate BSR, execute the following commands
in the global configuration mode:
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# ip pim bsr-candidate
interface-type interface-number
[hash-mask-length] [priority-value]
Configure the device as the candidate
BSR to learn and contest the global
BSR role through BSM messages.
hash-mask-length: in the range 0 to 32,
10 by default
priority-value: in the range 0 to 255, 64
by default
DES-7200(config)# no ip pim
bsr-candidate interface-type
Remove the configuration.
6.3.12 Configure the BSR Border
To restrict BSM flooding, you can set the BSR border on the interface so that BSM
will be dropped immediately rather than being forwarded.
To configure the BSR border, execute the following commands in the interface
configuration mode:
Command Function
ip pim bsr-border
Set the BSR border.
no ip pim bsr-border
Remove the configuration.
6.3.13 Ignoring the RP Priority in RP-SET
When you compare two RPs to select one for a multicast IP address, execute this
command to ignore the RP priority. Otherwise, the RP priority would be taken into
account during comparison.
To ignore the RP priority, execute the following commands in the global
configuration mode:
Command Function
DES-7200(config)# ip pim
Ignore the RP priority in the RP-Set.
DES-7200(config)# no ip pim
Take into account the RP priority in the