DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 3 SSH Terminal Service Configuration
3. Configure the IP address of the VLAN interface of SSH server. SSH client
e route from SSH client to
here are many SSH client programs, such as Putty, Linux, OpenSSH and etc.
T as the example to
he configuration details are given in Configuration Steps
will use this address to connect SSH server. Th
SSH server shall be reachable.
Configurations on SSH Client:
Here we will only take the client software of SecureCR
introduce how to configure SSH Client. T
"Configuration Steps".
Configure SSH Server (Switch A)
Before configuring relevant SSH features, make sure the route from SSH client
IP addresses of respective interfaces are
ps of IP and route configuration
DES-7200(config)#crypto key generate rsa
hem? [yes/no]:
the range of 360 to 2048 for your
ater than 512 may take
N 1. The client will use this
address to connect SSH server.
DES-7200(config)#interface vlan 1
DES-7200(config-if-VLAN 1)#ip address
DES-7200(config-if-VLAN 1)#exit
Step 4: Configure login password for lines
! Configure the login password for line 0 as "passzero"
DES-7200(config)#line vty 0
DES-7200(config-line)#password passzero
DES-7200(config-line)#privilege level 15
to SSH server is reachable. The
shown in the topological diagram, and the ste
are omitted herein.
Step 1: Enable SSH Server
DES-7200(config)# enable service ssh-serv
Step 2: Generate RSA key
% You already have RSA keys.
% Do you really want to replace t
Choose the size of the key modulus in
Signature Keys. Choosing a key modulus gre
a few minutes.
How many bits in the modulus [512]:
% Generating 512 bit RSA1 keys ...[ok]
% Generating 512 bit RSA keys ...[ok]
Step 3: Configure the address of interface VLA