DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 5 OSPF
Command Function
match {internal | external
[1|2]} | metric metric-value |
metric-type {1|2} | route-map
route-map-name | tag
At present, the OSPFv3 supports redistribution
of static, connect, rip, bgp, isis and ospf route
When redistributing ISIS routes, you can
configure the level parameter to redistribute the
ISIS routes of the specified level.
When redistributing OSPF routes, you can
configure the match parameter to redistribute
the OSPF routes of the specific sub type.
default-metric number
Configure the default metric for route
You can use the no redistribute protocol mode to disable route redistribution.
5.2.10 Configuring OSPFv3 Timer
The OSPFv3 protocol belongs to link-state protocols. When the link state
changes, the OSPFv3 process will trigger the SPF calculation. The SPF
calculation delay is configurable, you can also use the command to configure the
minumum and maximum interval between two SPF calculations.
To configure the OSPFv3 timer, use the following command in the routing process
configuration mode:
Command Function
timers throttle spf spf-delay spf-holdtime
Configure the OSPFv3 timer, in ms.