
DES-7200 Configuration Guide Chapter 3 SSH Terminal Service Configuration
To delete the key, use the crypto key zeroize command rather than the [no]
rypto key generate command.
3.4.4 Disabling SSH Server
When the SSH Server is e rver is deleted, the
SSH Server is automatically closed. To delete the public key, run no enable
rver in the the SSH Server.
nabled, if the public key on the se
service ssh-se global configuration mode to disable
Command Description
Enter the global configuration mode
re terminal
no enable service ssh-server
Delete the key to disable SSH Server.
3.4.5 Configuring the Supported
Server Version SSH
By default, the SSHv1 and SSHv2 are compatible. Run the following commands
igure the SSH versi
to conf on.
Command Description
Enter the configuration mode
configure terminal
ip ssh
Configure the supported SSH version.
version {1|2}
no ip ssh version
Restore the SSH default version.
3.4.6 Configuring SSH User
Authentication Timeout
By default, the user authe VER is 120
seconds. Run the following commands to configure the SSH user authentication
t period.
ntication timeout period of the SSH SER
Command Description
configure terminal
Enter the configuration mode
Configure the SSH timeout period (1-120sec)
ip ssh time-out time
no ip ssh time-out
Restore the SSH default user authentication timeout
period 120 seconds.
3.4.7 Configuring SSH
Re-authentication Times
This command is used to set the authentication attempts for SSH user
requesting connections to
prevent illegal actions such as malicious guesswork.